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戚硯 重走呪 戚五析 judy031027@naver.com
拙失析 15.06.07 繕噺呪 343
眼雁嘘紫 Brandon teacher
堂鍵 慎拙 / Unit 9~10
2.Even though , it's an old car it can run.
3.Even though , it has a side effect it won't be serious.
4.Even though , there are many causes, the results are the same.
6.Even though , it isn't right he did the work for money.
7.Even though , she is married she looks like a girl.
9.Even though , she was angry, she didn't stop laughing.
2.You act as if lying to me.
3.He looks as if has cold.
4.Don't treat me as if a baby.
5.I felt as if an angel protects me.
6.They looked at me as if a crazy person.
7.I tried as if it is the last chance.
9.He acts as if nothing happened.
10.I study as if matching a puzzle.
戚稽潤 重走呪税 堂鍵 慎拙 床奄澗 魁戚害 ^^;;;;;;
識持還, 薦降 寿薦 繕榎幻 鎧爽室推ばばばばばば
寿薦 陥 馬奄亜 格巷 毘級嬢推ぬばぬばぬばぬばぬばぬばぬ
戚穿越 essay typing
陥製越 堂鍵 慎拙 / Unit 9~10